About us
Why you should join ESOA:
ESOA, the only “Owners Only” executive search organization in the Metroplex, exists to provide cutting-edge learning opportunities and a collegial environment to discuss topics of interest to search firm owners. At owner discretion, staff may also attend ESOA events.
ESOA hosts 11 programs per year. We typically meet on the third Wednesday of each month at a conference facility in North Dallas. ESOA’s programs are developed for an owner audience, and members are encouraged to suggest meeting topics of particular interest to them. Four of our programs each year are owner "round table" discussions.
ESOA often books special event speakers. Danny Cahill, Greg Doersching, Barb Bruno, Mike Lejuene, Jordan Rayboy, and Jeff Kaye have all been recent speakers.
Our membership includes small single-desk firms as well as larger agencies. Members represent a mix of contingency, retained, and contract shops.
ESOA has a nine-member board that closely monitors our programs to ensure that we are serving the needs of our members.
ESOA is very affordable. Dues are only $125 per year per firm ($100 if paid by December 31st). Monthly luncheon meetings cost $25 ($60 for non-members).
For more information on joining ESOA, please fill out the form below or contact a board member.